Terms & Conditions for the hire of glamping bell tents.
Solubul Enterprises Pty Ltd trading as Sunshine Glamping Co.
ABN: 73 661 476 517
“Company” means Solubul Enterprises Pty Ltd Pty Ltd (ACN 680 867 136) trading as Sunshine Glamping Co.
“Client” refers to the person named as the hirer on the tax invoice.
“Guest” means any person using the equipment during the period of hire.
“Equipment” is the tents and all other camping and styling accessories and materials provided by the Company to the Client for use during the period of hire. This includes all bedding, linen, and soft furnishing items provided, and any other items as set out on the tax invoice.
The Company Agrees To:
Provide the Equipment for use by the Client and Their Guests at the agreed site for the period of hire, as set out on the tax invoice.
Erect any structure on or before the date of set up for the period of hire.
Provide the Equipment in good working order.
To disassemble and remove all Equipment from the agreed site on or after the final date of the period of hire.
For all bookings, prior to the commencement of the period of hire, The Client Agrees To:
Pay all charges and deposits on or before the due date listed on the tax invoice.
Provide the Company with a clear and legible map, and/or directions indicating the location of the agreed site if required.
Provide the Company with a clear and legible plan indicating the preferred position in which the Equipment is to be placed. Despite any such plan, the Client acknowledges that the Company has the right to set up the Equipment in a position it thinks most suitable, and fits the purpose of the event. The Company will not set up the Equipment under trees. The Company will always put safety first. Client decisions may be altered to ensure the safety of Equipment and guests.
Ensure the location is clear of all underground services or other impediments. The Client will be responsible for any damage incurred to underground services of any type. Underground clearance required is 30cm for the set up of glamping tents.
Ensure the set up location has clear and unimpeded access for the Company vehicles as required. All Company vehicles must have access to the area the tents will be set up. Restricted access may incur additional fees due to any extra time required, up to a maximum of $200 per tent. In extreme cases, the Company will not proceed with the set up of the Equipment.
Obtain all necessary permits and/or licenses from any Government Authorities (including but not limited to the Local Council, Police Service and Fire Service) as necessary for the duration of the period of hire. Any and all costs associated with obtaining such permits will be payable by the Client. Should any delay or cancellation of the hire occur in relation to such permits, all fees or other associated expenses will be payable by the Client. All requirements are pursuant to such permits and/or licenses must be notified to the Company in writing no less than thirty (30) days prior to the set-up date. In the event these requirements delay or result in the Company being unable to perform its obligations, the Company shall notify the Client and the agreement shall be deemed void.
The Client acknowledges that occupancy does not exceed the maximum number of guests per tent as detailed on the tax invoice or other communication.
The Client will inform the company if it is a requirement to set up or pack down the Equipment on Public Holidays/Sundays. Failure to do so will result in surcharges.
The Client must ensure that all Equipment is vacated at the agreed time on the final day of the hire and leave the tent(s) closed up (all doors and windows zipped closed). Loss of Equipment Care and Set Up Bond will result should the Equipment be found to have water inside due to tents being left open. Should guests be found to still be in the Equipment, a charge of $110 per hour will be incurred, per tent, unless prior arrangement with the Company for a later departure time has been made in writing.
The Equipment
The Client is fully responsible for the Equipment for the duration of the period of hire.
The Client will be responsible for all expenses, losses, damages, and/or claims suffered during the period of hire arising from any negligence, omission, or fault of the Client and/or any such claims, or reimburse the Company for any losses or damages to the Equipment.
The Client agrees not to use any electrical equipment in or around the tents, included by not limited to lighting, appliances, cooking, or other decorative electrical items, without written consent being received from the Company. Such consent must be requested prior to the commencement of the period of hire.
The Client agrees not to use any naked flame, in or within five (5) metres of the Equipment. This includes a fire pit, bonfire, BBQ, camp fire, open fire, fire torch or similar.
The Client agrees not to use any oils inside the Equipment. This includes incense oils, essential oils, cooking oils, or similar that may spill and damage linen.
The Client agrees to immediately report any theft of the Equipment to the local Police Service and to the Company.
The Client agrees to immediately report to the Company any damage done to the Equipment and to not attempt to move, repair, or rectify the damage unless instructed via phone or in writing by the Company.
The Client agrees to use the Equipment for purposes only that accord with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the site is located.
The Client agrees not to deface or tamper with the Equipment, including, but not limited to, affixing any object to the Equipment.
The Client agrees that smoking/vaping is not permitted inside the tents or within four (4) metres of the Equipment.
The Client agrees that no animals, including pets, are permitted in, or around the Equipment unless agreed to with the Company.
The Client agrees not to remove the Equipment, or any part thereof, from the agreed site at any time.
The Client acknowledges that the Equipment is not suitable for children under the age of eighteen (18) years without the presence of a person over the age of eighteen (18) years of age.
The Company reserves the right to inspect the Equipment at any time for the duration of the rental period. Should there be any damage sustained to the Equipment or any other breach of these Terms by the Client, the Company reserves the right to remove the Equipment from the site without notice to the Client.
Set Up of the Equipment
The Client agrees that the Client or an authorised representative will be present during the assembling and disassembling of the Equipment by the Company. In the event the Client is not present, and the team is left waiting, $30 for every 15 minutes, until the Client arrives/instructions are given, will be forfeited from the Equipment Care and Adjustment Bond. The Client agrees that any changes to the agreed positioning of the Equipment, prior to arrival on site, at the request of the Client may incur additional fees ($75 per tent) at the discretion of the Company. If tents are requested to be split up, and placed apart on site, an additional $75 per tent will be forfeited from the Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond.
For the purposes of assembling and disassembling of the Equipment, the Client will ensure the Company is provided with unencumbered access to the site, free of any impediment, including cost. Difficult or encumbered access to the site may incur an additional fee (Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond $200) to cover the additional time needed to set up.
The Company shall not be liable to the Client for any delay, poor or non-performance of the terms of this hire that result of forces of nature, such as weather conditions or flooded/boggy/muddy ground, including heavy rain, high winds, flood, storm, nor any other situation that causes health or safety concerns for the employees of the Company. Should such forces of nature cause the assembling of the Equipment not to occur at the commencement of the period of hire, the Company shall determine whether it is appropriate to set up the Equipment at any later stage during the duration of the period of hire. Should the Company determine that set up is not appropriate for any reason, the Client agrees to have no additional claim against the Company. The Client agrees that any costs reasonably incurred in the attempt to assemble the Equipment will be retained by the Company.
The Client will indemnify the Company in relation to any and all liability for personal injury or property damage that arises either directly or indirectly as a result of this hire. The Client will indemnify the Company in respect of any claims made by a third party in this regard.
At all times the Company retains title to all the Equipment.
The Client will not sub-let, sell or profess to sell or otherwise deal with the Equipment, or any part thereof, nor part with possession of any of the Equipment for the duration of the period of hire.
This hire will be governed by the laws of Queensland and/or New South Wales.
Charges, Deposits, Penalties and Surcharges
The Client is required to pay a Holding Deposit of $50 (fifty dollars) per tent to hold the dates for their Event. The booking is not considered confirmed until the Holding Deposit has been paid. The Holding Deposit is either refunded in full after the completion of the Event, or forfeited in full if the event is cancelled.
The Client is required to pay an Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond of $200 (two hundred dollars) per tent. The Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond is either refunded after the completion of the Event or forfeited in full if the Equipment is found to be damaged or excessively dirty in any way.
The Client is required to pay a surcharge for Sunday/Public Holiday Set up and Pack Down at a rate of $50 per tent.
The Client will forfeit $75 per tent from the Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond if, upon arrival on site, the Client requests the tents are spaced out on the grounds.
The Client, where required, will pay a Booking Fee of $150 to set up an Event Page on our website for the purpose of their Guests booking Equipment for their Event. The Event Page will be set up within 14 days of the Booking Fee being paid.
The Client will, where required, forfeit the Equipment Care and Adjustments Bond in full, should the team arrive on site to find Vehicle access is restricted. Access to the site means our team should be able to easily drive our Vehicle/s onto the site and park within 5m of where the tents are to be set up. In extreme cases, we reserve the right to cancel the booking. For example – if there is no vehicular access to the site, and the site is more than 5 metres from the Vehicle.
The Client will be required to pay a Travel Fee. We reserve the right to refuse a booking if the travel is deemed excessive (more than 2.5 hours from our base on the Sunshine Coast). The Travel Fee is calculated by mileage and time travelled, and any tolls on the route.
The Client will be liable for the cost of any loss, damage or soiling of the tent and its contents. Details of any loss or damage will be provided to the Client. If the tents have been found to have vomit in or around the tent or on furnishings, an additional $500 will be charged to the Client.
In the event that the booking is cancelled, the total funds paid for the hire of tents will be surrendered as follows:
100% of the funds paid will be forfeited if the booking is cancelled less than fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the Hire Period.
50% of the funds paid will be forfeited if the booking is cancelled less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Hire Period.
This does not apply to payments made for Holding Deposits or Booking Fee charges mentioned above.
In Summary
The Client agrees to provide us with clear instructions for the location and set up plan prior to arrival.
The Client agrees that all tents will be set up together on site.
The Client agrees that we will have easy access in our Vehicle onto the site, and be able to park within 5m of the set up area.
The Client agrees to keep all Equipment away from naked flames and acknowledges that there is no smoking/vaping inside the tents.
The Client agrees to ensure that all guests have vacated the tents prior to or at the agreed time, before our staff arrive on site to pack the tents down.
The Client agrees to ensure all tents are zipped up (windows and doors) upon vacating the tents.
The Client agrees to ensure that they are aware that surcharges apply for Sunday and Public Holiday set ups and pack downs.